Everything in the
Florida Keys, even the smell of the air, is defined by the Atlantic Ocean and
the Gulf of Mexico. This string of comparatively tiny islands has endured
nature’s fury for ages. Thanks to the equally resilient inhabitants the
infrastructure remains much as it was four decades ago. There is a charm about
the place what lures visitors from all over the globe.
Though I have never
been to Cuba, Key West is very close to what I expect it is like. The open air
bars and shops; the free ranging chickens on the streets and stray dogs
wandering in and out of restaurants looking for handouts make it clear there’s
no room for snobs. The whole island is reserved for good food and friendly
This year there was a lot of rain and lightening so I didn’t
get many pictures, but there are a few posted below. Thanks for looking.
Key deer fawns and their bird buddy. |
Check out the sand crap in the center of the photo. He's trying to hide. |
Two birds waiting for hand outs at Islamorada. |
This is a good picture of Bill at a place called The Blue Hole. |
Here's a good picture of the spy blimp stationed at Cudjoe Key. |